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Thinking in Java: Acquire React and React Hooks with Java Code ☕

As a long-time Java developer, information technology took me a while to understand some of the magics behind React. This postal service is my effort to explicate some of them in Java concepts. It's not meant to provide a strict mapping from Coffee to React.

Below is a React Counter component. It renders a count number, with a push to increment it. Every time the push button is clicked, the count is added by one and the value is updated on the screen.

                          blazon              Props              =              {              initialCount              :              number              };              type              State              =              {              currentCount              :              number              };              class              Counter              extends              React              .              Component              <              Props              ,              Land              >              {              // Sets currentCount to initialCount when component is created              state              :              State              =              {              currentCount              :              this              .              props              .              initialCount              };              // Renders a text and a button, which increments count by ane when clicked.              render              ()              {              return              (              <              div              >              {              this              .              country              .              currentCount              }              <              button              onClick              =              {              ()              =>              this              .              setState              ({              currentCount              :              this              .              land              .              currentCount              +              ane              })              }              >              Increase              </              push button              >              </              div              >              );              }              }              // Renders Counter at root              const              rootElement              =              document              .              getElementById              (              "              root              "              );              render              (<              Counter              initialCount              =              {              0              }              />,              rootElement              );                      

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The same React component can be (sort-of) written in Java:

                          // The Props course to pass data into Counter, publicly construct-able.              public              form              Props              {              public              final              int              initialCount              ;              public              Props              (              int              initialCount              )              {              this              .              initialCount              =              initialCount              ;              }              }              public              course              Counter              {              // The Land course to hold internal data of Counter, individual simply.              private              static              course              State              {              concluding              int              currentCount              ;              Country              (              int              count              )              {              this              .              currentCount              =              count              ;              }              }              private              Land              country              ;              private              Props              props              ;              individual              boolean              shouldRender              ;              // Constructor. Chosen once per component lifecycle.              public              Counter              (              final              Props              props              )              {              this              .              updateProps              (              props              );              this              .              setState              (              new              State              (              props              .              initialCount              ));              }              // Called past external whenever props have changed.              public              void              updateProps              (              final              Props              props              )              {              this              .              props              =              new              Props              (              props              .              initialCount              );              this              .              shouldRender              =              true              ;              }              // Internal state update method for current count.              private              void              setState              (              terminal              Land              newState              )              {              this              .              state              =              newState              ;              this              .              shouldRender              =              truthful              ;              }              // Only allows render when shouldRender is true, i.eastward., props or state changed.              public              boolean              shouldRender              ()              {              return              this              .              shouldRender              ;              }              // Returns a 'virtal DOM' node 'Div' that contains a 'Text' node and a 'Push',              // which increments count by i when clicked.              public              ReactNode              render              ()              {              this              .              shouldRender              =              false              ;              return              new              Div              (              new              Text              (              this              .              land              .              currentCount              ),              new              Button              (              "Increment"              ,              new              OnClickHandler              ()              {              @Override              public              void              onClick              ()              {              setState              (              new              Country              (              land              .              currentCount              +              i              ));              }              });              );              }              }              // Renders Counter at root              public              static              void              renderAt              (              HTMLElement              root              )              {              Counter              counter              =              new              Counter              (              new              Props              (              0              ));              root              .              addChild              (              counter              );              if              (              counter              .              shouldRender              ())              {              counter              .              render              ();              }              ...              }                      

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To readers who have a Coffee background, table beneath maps some core React concepts into Java ones.

React Concept Java Concept
component grade
props Passed-in parameters of constructor or updateProps() method, immutable internally
state A set of all individual variables, immutable internally
setState() Replaces the previous group of private variables with a new group
render() Creates a new view with values practical

A few interesting things to note here:

props vs. state

In React, props are used for external world to communicate with the component, similar to Java constructor and public method parameters. In example above, information technology's used for setting its initial count value.

state, on the other paw, is used by the component internally, holding data that only matters to the component itself. This is similar to individual variables in Coffee. Nonetheless, a parent component's country can get a child component's props. Eastward.g., Counter's currentCount is passed into Text component equally the latter'south props.

Both props and country should exist immutables internally. In React, nosotros never change their internal values directly. Instead, pass in a new props to the component (example below), and use setState() for setting a new state. Note how they are internally final in Java code above.

No Change, No Render

React only renders the component if either props or country has inverse. This allows it to avert unnecessary DOM updates. In above example, the component doesn't re-return until either button is clicked (a country change) or initialCount is inverse (a props change). This is simulated using shouldRender() method above.

Virtual DOM nodes

render() returns virtual nodes. They are objects that describes how a certain blazon of UI should be rendered. They are not the finish results. It'due south up to the React engine to decide how UI will be generated and presented on the screen. This allows React to piece of work with different platforms. Due east.g., React.js renders a Html <button> while React Native renders an Android Button or iOS UIButton.

Handle props Changes

Now, let'due south briefly talk nigh React lifecycles. React provides several lifecycle methods. Today we accept a expect at componentDidUpdate().

Let's say we desire the component to reset land.currentCount if the passed-in props.initialCount has changed. We tin implement componentDidUpdate() every bit below:

                          class              Counter              extends              React              .              Component              <              Props              ,              State              >              {              state              :              State              =              {              currentCount              :              this              .              props              .              initialCount              };              // Afterwards props changed, check if initialCount has changed, and then reset currentCount to the new initialCount.              componentDidUpdate              (              prevProps              :              Props              )              {              if              (              prevProps              .              initialCount              !==              this              .              props              .              initialCount              )              {              this              .              setState              ({              currentCount              :              this              .              props              .              initialCount              });              }              }              return              ()              {              ...              }              }                      

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This may be written in Coffee as:

                          class              Counter              {              ...              // Called past external whenever props have changed.              public              void              updateProps              (              final              Props              props              )              {              final              Props              prevProps              =              this              .              props              ;              this              .              props              =              new              Props              (              props              .              initialCount              );              this              .              shouldRender              =              true              ;              this              .              componentDidUpdate              (              prevProps              );              }              private              void              componentDidUpdate              (              last              Props              prevProps              )              {              if              (              prevProps              .              initialCount              !=              this              .              props              .              initialCount              )              {              setState              (              new              State              (              this              .              props              .              initialCount              ));              }              }              ...              }              Counter              counter              =              new              Counter              (              new              Props              (              0              ));              counter              .              updateProps              (              new              Props              (              100              ));                      

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The external world calls updateProps() to update Counter'southward props. Hither, updateProps() preserves prevProps, and passes it into componentDidUpdate(). This allows the component to detect a props change and make updates accordingly.

Too annotation that setting new props doesn't require creating a new component instance. In the case above, the same Counter component is reused with new props. In fact, React tries to reuse existing components as much as possible using some smart DOM matching and the key props. Information technology simply creates new components when they cannot be found on the current DOM tree.

React Hooks

If you are learning React, you must larn Hooks every bit it's the new standard (a good affair). Let's quickly look at the equivalent code in React Hooks:

                          const              Counter              =              ({              initialCount              }:              Props              )              =>              {              const              [              currentCount              ,              setCurrentCount              ]              =              React              .              useState              (              initialCount              );              React              .              useEffect              (()              =>              {              setCurrentCount              (              initialCount              );              },              [              initialCount              ]);              return              (              <              div              >              {              currentCount              }              <              button              onClick              =              {              ()              =>              setCurrentCount              (              currentCount              +              i              )              }              >              Increment              </              button              >              </              div              >              );              };                      

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The lawmaking is just much conciser considering many things are subconscious behind each line.

The line below uses React.useState(). It kills two birds with ane stone (sad, birds 🥺).

                          const              [              currentCount              ,              setCurrentCount              ]              =              React              .              useState              (              initialCount              );                      

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  • Information technology sets state.currentCount as initialCount like to the Coffee constructor, and
  • returns a setCurrentCount() part that'south equivalent to the setState() method used in Java.

The benefit of using this blueprint is that y'all can break down one single country object into multiple unproblematic values, each controlled by its own useState() method.

Side by side, the lines below uses React.useEffect() to create an effect, which is run every time the component updates.

                          React              .              useEffect              (()              =>              {              setCurrentCount              (              initialCount              );              },              [              initialCount              ]);                      

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In this case, the effect is tied to the initialCount value (note the final parameter of useEffect()). This tells useEffect to only run setCurrentCount(initialCount) when initialCount changes. This is equivalent to Java code below:

                          private              void              componentDidUpdate              (              final              Props              prevProps              )              {              if              (              prevProps              .              initialCount              !=              this              .              props              .              initialCount              )              {              setState              (              new              State              (              this              .              props              .              initialCount              ));              }              }                      

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There are many other magics in React and Hooks that go beyond this post. Leave a comment below if you'd like to larn more than on this topic ❤️❤️❤️

Should I Learn React Java Developer,


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