
How To Get A World Border In Minecraft

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These commands control the world border.

Syntax [ ]

worldborder add <distance> [<time>]

Increases or decreases the world border diameter.

worldborder eye <pos>

Recenters the globe boundary.

worldborder damage corporeality <damagePerBlock>

Sets the world border impairment corporeality to the specified value. Any player outside the globe border buffer takes this amount of damage per 2d per block past the world edge buffer distance.

worldborder damage buffer <distance>

Sets the globe border buffer altitude to the specified value. Players won't accept damage until they movement past this distance from the world border.

worldborder go

Returns the current world border diameter.

worldborder set <distance> [<time>]

Sets the world edge diameter.

worldborder warning distance <altitude>

Sets the world edge warning distance to the specified value.

worldborder warning time <fourth dimension>

Sets the world edge warning time to the specified value.

Arguments [ ]

<distance>: double (in add mode)

Specifies the number of blocks to add to the globe edge diameter.
Must be a Double-precision floating-signal format number. And it must exist between -59,999,968 and 59,999,968 (inclusive).

<time>: integer (in add together and fix mode)

Specifies the number of seconds it should take for the earth border to move from its current diameter to the new bore. If not specified, defaults to 0.
Must be a 32-scrap integer number. And it must be between 0 and 2147483647 (inclusive).

<pos>: vec2

Specifies the horizontal coordinates of the world border'southward center.
Must be a two-dimensional coordinates with floating-bespeak number elements. Accepts tilde and caret notations.

<damagePerBlock>: float

Specifies the damage a actor takes per second per cake past the globe edge buffer. For case, if <damagePerBlock> is 0.i, a player 5 blocks outside the globe border buffer takes 0.5 damage per second (harm less than half a eye might not modify the visual health brandish, simply still accumulates). Initially set to 0.ii.
Must be a Single-precision floating-point format number. And information technology must be greater than or equal to 0.0.

<distance>: float (in damage buffer mode)

Specifies the distance outside the earth buffer a player must be earlier they commencement taking damage. Initially set to v.0.
Must exist a Unmarried-precision floating-bespeak format number. And it must be greater than or equal to 0.0.

<distance>: double (in set fashion)

Specifies the new diameter for the world edge.
Must be a Double-precision floating-signal format number. And it must be between -59,999,968 and 59,999,968 (inclusive).

<distance>: integer (in warning distance mode)

Specifies the altitude from the world border at which players begins to see a visual alarm of the world border'due south proximity. Initially set to 5.
Must be a 32-bit integer number. And information technology must exist between 0 and 2147483647 (inclusive).

<time>: integer (in warning fourth dimension mode)

Specifies the number of seconds that a thespian begins to see a visual alert before a moving world border passes their position. Initially set to xv.
Must be a 32-chip integer number. And it must be between 0 and 2147483647 (inclusive).

Upshot [ ]

Command Trigger Java Edition
any the arguments are non specified correctly Unparseable
/worldborder add ...
/worldborder set ...
the size is unchanged Failed
the new size is less than one.0 or greater than 59,999,968
/worldborder centre ... the heart is unchanged
/worldborder impairment amount ... the harm corporeality is unchanged
/worldborder impairment buffer ... the impairment buffer is unchanged
/worldborder warning distance ... the alert altitude is unchanged
/worldborder warning time ... the warning time is unchanged
any On success Manages the world border.

Output [ ]

Command Edition Situation Success Count /execute store success ... /execute store result ...
any Java Edition On neglect 0 0 0
/worldborder add ... On success i i the specified <distance>
/worldborder heart ... On success 1 1 0
/worldborder harm corporeality ... On success 1 1 the specified <damagePerBlock>
/worldborder impairment buffer ... On success 1 one the specified <distance>
/worldborder get On success ane 1 the size of the world edge after rounding to the nearest integer
/worldborder prepare ... On success 1 1 the amount of change in the width of the world edge
(a positive number means an increment, a negative number ways a decrease).
/worldborder warning distance ... On success 1 1 the specified <distance>
/worldborder warning time ... On success i i the specified <time>

Notes [ ]

In add or set mode, if successful, the earth border begins changing its diameter by the specified amount. If diameter is increasing, the world border turns greenish; if decreasing, the world border turns red. If <fourth dimension> is 0 or unspecified, the change occurs immediately; otherwise the change proceeds at a rate of (Distance difference/2)/time blocks per 2nd.

In center mode, if successful, the middle of the earth border immediately moves to the specified coordinates.

History [ ]

Coffee Edition
one.8 14w17a Added /worldborder.
14w19a Added /worldborder damage <distance>.
Added /worldborder warning (distance|time).
14w26a Added /worldborder add together <distance>.
14w29a Added /worldborder get.

How To Get A World Border In Minecraft,


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